What Is Leptin Resistance?

?W hat Is Leptin Resistance Before we saw the world as a globe spinning in the vast expanse of space we once believed it was flat and the sun revolved around us. Before we knew the dangers of mercury—as a neurotoxin and overall health no-no—it was once considered the go-to treatment for a host of medical conditions, for everything from syphilis to parasites. Before we had modern health-conscious cosmetics women would adorn themselves with lead-filled face paint and wash their skin with ammonia. They would slowly poison themselves but were convinced it was essential for true beauty. The knowledge we have gained over the years has not come without a fair share of innocent misunderstandings, but thankfully, as we know more we are able to make more informed choices based on actual science, on truth, on what works. It is crucial we build our actions on a foundation of truth. Our beliefs about weight loss have centered around constantly shifting paradigms. Throu...